Smile Sensations provides “no cost” dental hygiene services to those people in our community that do not have the financial means to access this important component of overall health. The event is “one day" a year that is set aside for Dental Hygienists across Canada to shine a spot light on the profession as they open their clinics and their hearts to offer such an important service as dental hygiene therapy. We look forward to this event every year as the ‘day’ is very special to everyone involved. The patients are so grateful to be able to finally get their teeth cleaned! The best part of the day is the overwhelming feeling of “giving back” knowing that we are able to make a tiny bit of difference. Click here to learn more.

The College is the governing body of the profession of Dental Hygiene. The College's mandate is to serve the public interest while the profession of dental hygiene provides the care for Ontarian's oral and overall health.